
Showing posts from January, 2021

Oh Sugar! Homeopathy for sugar addiction

Oh sugar!  I have a confession to make - I’m a recovering sugar addict.  I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and to me, cookies, candy, chocolate, cakes - these were all treats. A little reward for something or a pick me up. I know I’m not alone with my (former) desire for some sugary goodness. That instant hit of yumminess. Having a bad day? Have some chocolate. Got PMT? Have some chocolate. A global pandemic is turning people’s lives upside down - bake some cookies. And then eat some chocolate. As I approached my mid 40’s, I noticed my desire for sugar increased. Being a Homeopath and a healthy person in all other aspects, this was a concern to me. In the past, I could have a sugary treat and that would satisfy me. But I was noticing my need for sugar was only intensifying, the more I had, the more I wanted. I wasn’t sleeping as well as I used to, my mind was foggy, my memory wasn’t as sharp. I felt “off” and I was putting on weight, despite being very physically active.  I ...

The Homeopathic Consultation

The Homeopathic consultation - or Homeopathic conversation, as I prefer to call it, is a vastly different experience for those unfamiliar with Homeopathy. Unlike a standard doctor’s visit, the initial consultation takes between 60 - 90 minutes. During that time I ask a range of questions: such as medical history, family medical history, food likes and dislikes, fears, recurring dreams, etc. The reason I do this is to get as much information as I can about you - the client - and match the remedy that matches your unique set of symptoms and energetic blueprint. I often say Homeopathy is like peeling an onion - it’s a process of gently revealing each layer to get to the core of the issue underneath. Once that issue is established and the correct remedy prescribed, that issue often disappears. Many people find the Homeopathic conversation itself, is a healing process. Often it’s the first time someone has been fully heard and fully listened to.  Depending on the condition being treated...

Suffering in Silence - My Homeopathic approach to Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  Pelvic organ prolapse (or POP) affects an estimated 1 in 5 women. Commonly seen in women over 50 - but also increasingly a problem for younger women. Yet pelvic organ prolapse is still one of women's best-kept secrets.  What is a POP?  The protrusion of pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, small intestine, or rectum) into the vaginal wall with symptoms ranging from persistent vaginal pressure to urinary incontinence, faecal leakage, and painful intercourse. The pelvic floor muscles are a ‘sling’ of muscles that support these organs from beneath.  Without proper support - from weak, torn, or damaged fascia, ligaments, or muscles - pelvic organs can bulge down into the vagina, or rectum, and that’s a prolapse. x Suffering in silence  Many women suffer in silence, feeling embarrassed to talk about their prolapse - even to their closest friends and family. They are coping in silence.  Many avoid seeking medical attention because they are uncomfortable speaking ab...