Mother's little helper - Treating Postpartum/Postnatal Depression the Homeopathic way
Postpartum Depression - or the baby blues - as it used to be called. It’s estimated up to 15 percent of mothers experience postpartum depression on some scale within the first six to twelve months of giving birth and 9 percent of women during pregnancy. It can also occur after a miscarriage. It’s not just the first time Mothers who suffer from postpartum depression. Some women sail through their first pregnancy and birth, and it is only with subsequent births that these feelings arise. Symptoms of postpartum depression are similar to depression at other times. They include feeling sad most of the time and losing interest in things that were once enjoyable. The symptoms might include: feeling worthless, hopeless, useless feeling sad, crying a lot blame and guilt feeling anxious, panicky, or overwhelmed – especially regarding baby having thoughts of suicide towards self or baby not being able to bond with baby, not feeling the love like other mothers do towards their ba...